Research on Synchronous Control Strategy of Photovoltaic Grid-Connected |
Zhu Longji, Zhang Xuli |
Anhui University of Science and Technology Huainan 232001 China |
Abstract The synchronous control strategy of three-phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter is discussed in this article. For controlling the inverter’s synchronous working statue, a control means based on current feedback and the grid-voltage forward feedback compensation and positive feedback frequency disturbance anti-islanding protection is used. In MATLAB/Simulink, the system simulation model is established, and the system function of anti-islanding protection program is designed. The control strategy’s validity was testified by the simulation and experimentation results. Not only the method can counteract the influence of current tracking because of the grid-voltage disturbance, to improve the output current, but also it makes the islanding detection accuracy higher, to ensure the system running in a stable and safe statue.
Received: 20 September 2012
Published: 12 December 2013
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