Two Fundamental Physics Issues Need Paying Great Attention in Wireless Power Transmission |
Fan Jing1,2, Yu Fashan3, Zhang Gang1, Tian Zijian4, Liu Jun4 |
1. Nanyang Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus Research Institute Nanyang 473000 China 2. Nanyang Institute of Technology Nanyang 473004 China 3. Henan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo 454003 China 4. China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing) Beijing 100083 China |
Abstract Two fundamental physics issues are proposed which should be paid great attention in the study of wireless power transmission theory. ①P-wave solutions of Maxwell equation may exist. ②Tunneling time of magnetic resonance coupling energy. This paper clarifies that wireless power transmission study should be based on classical Maxwell equation. Traditional conclusion of circuit theory study fails to cover the research findings based on “the field”. By adopting time measurement method, this paper proves that under magnetic resonance coupling the power transmission process of wireless power transmission system is similar to quantum tunneling. Therefore further study needs to be carried out on the near field issue of electromagnetic waves propagation. As a theoretical research, this paper puts forward possible solutions of wireless power transmission around the globe.
Received: 23 May 2013
Published: 22 May 2014
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