Loss Calculation of Inverter IGBT and Design of Cooling Device |
Bai Baodong1, Chen Dezhi1, Wang Xinbo1, 2 |
1. Special Electric Machines and High Voltage Apparatus Key Lab of National Education Ministry and Liaoning Province, Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China 2. Fushun Machinery Factory of Coalmine Fushun 113008 China |
Abstract In the implementation process of calculating the inverter IGBT loss and water cooling system, the effect of gate drive resistor, DC bus voltage, temperature and junction temperature on the IGBT loss is taken into comprehensive consideration for the first time. The method to calculate inverter IGBT and Diode conduction loss, switching loss, the total loss, efficiency, temperature difference and junction temperature is given under the SVPWM modulation algorithm. Taking the interaction characteristics of the IGBT loss and junction temperature into account, the interaction of the loop algorithm is presented on the initial condition of the ambient temperature using the custom thermal circuit model. The IGBT junction temperature, case temperature and the radiator temperature curve is given finally. On this basis, a medium voltage variable frequency speed control system with water cooling system is designed. Experimental results, affirm the accuracy of the analytical method and verifed the correctness and feasibility of the method.
Received: 13 September 2012
Published: 25 March 2014
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