Infrared Spectral Characteristics of PPS and PTFE in the Electrical-Thermal Aging Process in Oil |
He Dongxin, Wang Wei, Gu Jiefeng, Chen Shengke |
Beijing Key Laboratory of High Voltage & Electronmagnetic Compatibility State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract Insulation paper and pressboard in transformer may degrade or even break down after long-time operation because of performance deficiency. In order to pursue new insulation materials applied in transformer, PPS and PTFE for electrical-thermal aging test under temperature of 110℃ and 130℃ in comparison with insulation paper. In this paper a lot of infrared spectral tests were made on the three kinds of materials in several aging stages, in order to analyze their electrical-thermal aging characteristics combining with scanning electron microscope(SEM) and mechanical behaviors. It was concluded that oil-immersion in material can be judged if there are transformer oil’s specific absorption peaks in infrared spectra of material after aging, and resultants after aging can be inferred from new-generated absorption peak. Infrared spectroscopy is more relevant to material’s mechanical behaviors, compared to SEM on the basis of test results. These findings help analyze aging characteristics of PPS and PTFE and judge whether the two materials can be transformer insulation material.
Received: 01 March 2013
Published: 25 March 2014
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