Design of Current Proportional-Resonant Regulator for Single-Phase PWM Rectifier Based on Root-Locus Method |
Wang Jian, Trllion Q Zheng, Gao Jilei |
Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Proportional-resonant (PR) regulator can provide zero steady state error current control for single-phase PWM rectifier. Conventional method to set the PR regulator is to set the proportional and the resonant factors separately. With this method, the current control loop tends to be unstable when the switching sampling frequency is low. To solve this problem, discrete-domain designing is proposed in this paper. Based on root-locus method, the zeros and the gain of the current controller can be set efficiently, ensuring the stability of the current control loop. Moreover, good steady-state and dynamic performance can be achieved in current control. Simulation and experimental results validate proposed design method.
Received: 01 September 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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