Abstract For the single-phase PWM rectifier with LCL filter, the traditional double closed-loop control method usually uses PI compensator as the voltage outer loop controller, and deadbeat control, with the converter side current as the controlled variable, as the current inner loop controller. There are two problems in this scheme: one is that the integrator in the voltage outer loop will limit the dynamic performance of the system; the other is that the unit power factor on the grid side cannot be realized accurately. Thus, this paper presents a double closed-loop control method for the single-phase PWM rectifier, which takes the discrete reaching law control as the voltage outer loop controller and the improved deadbeat control as the current inner loop controller. For the voltage outer loop, the mathematical relationship between the peak value of half wave current on the grid side and the voltage increment on the DC side is derived, and a control strategy based on discrete reaching law is proposed. For the current inner loop, this paper presents an improved deadbeat algorithm with the weighted sum of the grid side current and converter side current as the controlled variable, and derives the current reference for achieving the accurate unit power factor. This paper also discusses the current overshoot caused by the under-damped oscillation, and puts forward the solution. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control strategy improves the dynamic performance of the system and achieves accurate unit power factor on the grid side.
Received: 04 February 2020
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