Full-Process Hybrid Dynamic Simulation of Long-Term Voltage Stability by Combination of Detailed and Quasi Steady-State Model |
Chen Wenguang, Liu Mingbo |
South China University of Technology Guangdong Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Technology Guangzhou 510640 China |
Abstract Detailed and quasi steady-state models of full-process hybrid dynamic simulation of long-term voltage stability are discussed; over-excitation limiter, armature current limiter and dynamic load are modeled. By comparing the results of quasi steady-state (QSS) and full time-scale (FTS) simulation, it is discovered that system may not keep transient stability and enter long-term process when severe disturbances trigger discrete equipment to act in succession. Furthermore, judgment of discrete equipments action through QSS simulation is inexact, which causes the system trajectory depart from the real trajectory. Combining FTS, QSS and continuation-based quasi steady-state (CQSS) simulation, and switching properly, the whole-process hybrid dynamic simulation method is constructed, which can keep the transients after disturbances and discrete equipments’ action. It is switched to QSS simulation only when transient process dies out, and switched to CQSS simulation to improve convergence when system trajectory approaches saddle-node bifurcation point and meets convergent problem. The New England 10-machine 39-bus and IEEE 50-machine 145-bus system are used as test systems to prove the limitation of QSS simulation and the applicability of full-process hybrid dynamic simulation.
Received: 11 May 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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