Hybrid Simulation Model of Modular Multilevel Converter Internal Fault Based on Real-Time Digital Simulator |
Wang Jiecong1, Liu Chongru1, Xu Dongxu1, Zhu Yi2 |
1. State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. State Grid Shandong Economics Research Institute Jinan 250021 China |
Abstract A large number of series-connected submodules in a high-voltage modular multilevel converter (MMC) system introduce a great challenge for real-time simulation. Though the simulation efficiency of the MMC model can be improved by encapsulating equivalent model of the bridge arm or the converter, the internal fault of the converter fails to be simulated by using existing encapsulated equivalent model. Compared with off-line simulation tool, the interpolation calculation method cannot be utilized in real-time digital simulator (RTDS), it is more difficult to simulate power electronic devices, and has higher requirements on calculation speed and efficiency. To enhance the calculation effectiveness while keeping the precision under various fault situation, a hybrid simulation model of MMC arm combining the detailed and simplified equivalent models is proposed, which is implemented by utilizing CBuilder in RTDS. The proposed model can be conveniently used to simulate various internal faults of converters, bridge arms, and submodules with real-time calculation. The calculation precision and effectiveness of the proposed model are verified in RTDS.
Received: 17 April 2018
Published: 26 September 2019
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