Multi-Objective Optimization for Capacity Configuration of PV-Based Electric Vehicle Charging Stations |
Chen Zheng,Xiao Xiangning,Lu Xinyi,Liu Nian,Zhang Jianhua |
State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract The capacity optimization of electric vehicle(EV) charging stations with renewable energy generation is a typical multi-objective optimization problem. Two conflicting objectives discussed in this paper are the maximum renewable energy utilization ratio (REUR) and the minimum system investment and operation costs. This paper first introduces the system structure of the grid-connected photovoltaic charging station,the roles of various system components and energy exchange strategy. Based on the actual need of constructing charging stations,the multi-objective optimization model for capacity configuration which considering REUR and system costs is proposed. Constraints about decision variables#x02019; range,system power balance and upper-lower limit of energy change are constructed. The frontier of non-dominant solutions and multiple Pareto optimal solutions are obtained through NSGA-II algorithm. Analysis about the trends of system components#x02019; capacity and the balance of power and energy validates the rationality of optimization results. The optimization method proposed in this paper will provide a theoretical basis and technical support for constructions of electric vehicles#x02019; charging infrastructure in demonstration cities.
Received: 15 September 2012
Published: 11 December 2013
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