Small-Signal Modeling and Analysis of Anti-Islanding Control for Inverter-Based Distributed Generator System |
Xie Dong,Zhang Xing,Li Shanshou,Tang Tingting |
Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China |
Abstract Islanding detection is required for distributed generator system,and usually an islanding detection algorithm with positive-feedback perturbation is adopted. There is a conflict between islanding detection performance and system stability. This paper analyzes the impact of positive-feedback control on system stability according to the small signal model of distributed generator. Through analyzing the relationship between positive-feedback anti-islanding gain and system power transfer capability and the relationship between maximum power transfer level and islanding detection time,illustrates the parameter impact of active phase shift anti-islanding algorithm on system stability and power transfer capability,and provides a reference for the parameter design of anti-islanding algorithm and the determination of system maximum power transfer capability.
Received: 12 April 2011
Published: 11 December 2013
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