Performance for Wound-Rotor Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine Taking Saturation into Account |
Cheng Yuan, Wang Xuefan, Xiong fei, Zhang Jingwei, Kan Chaohao |
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract There are two kinds of magnetic fields differing in pole number and rotational speed in the iron circuit of brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM). Owing to asymmetry and time-varying volatility of field distribution, it is difficult to take into account the influence of saturation on BDFM by use of traditional analytic method. In this paper, one finite-element model of BDFM was built, and some related performances were analyzed using transient solver. The paper also discussed the rule of power allocation between the two windings in the stator for the BDFM. As the saturation effect of the field was taken into account, its calculation results are closer to the test results than traditional analytic method’s. The model is verified using measurements made on a test machine.
Received: 25 September 2010
Published: 20 March 2014
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