A Carrier-Based Modulation Strategy of Two Stage Matrix Converter with Reliable Commutation |
Qi Chen,Chen Xiyou |
Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116024 China |
Abstract To improve the reliability of commutation in two stage matrix converter (TSMC),a novel carrier-based modulation scheme was proposed. In rectifier,the double modulation waves were used to extent zero current commutation time,so the problems of interruption of commutation and distortion in input current caused by narrow pulses were solved. In inverter,the 60#x000b0;clamped modulation functions were taken as modulation waves to reduce the counts of commutation by one third. In cooperating modulation,the isosceles triangular waves during two adjacent carrier periods and the trapezoidal waves in one carrier period were respectively taken as carrier waves of rectifier and inverter to keep switching states same,so that the commutation processes in a period of transition from one carrier period to another were avoided and the reliability was enhanced more. The relationship between minimum commutation time of rectifier and modulation index of inverter was also analyzed. At last,an experimental prototype was designed. Experimental results compare with two existing carrier-based modulation strategies to verify the correctness and superiority of proposed modulation strategy.
Received: 30 November 2011
Published: 11 December 2013
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