Mix-Frequency SH Guided Wave Corrosion Defects Detection Method for High Voltage Transmission Tower Grounding Electrode |
Peng Lisha1, Sun Hongyu2, Li Shisong1, Wang Shen1, Huang Songling1,3 |
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 2. School of Physical Science and Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 10044 China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Power System Operation and Control Beijing 100084 China |
Abstract High-voltage transmission towers play a crucial role in the electrical power system as power transmission hubs. The transmission towers support long-distance transmission lines and serve as essential pathways for conducting abnormal currents, along with grounding devices. These towers are vital for ensuring power lines'safe and stable operation. However, the grounding electrodes of transmission towers are prone to corrosion and fracture due to imbalanced soil acidity, microbiological corrosion, and other environmental factors, which threaten the power system's safe operation. Therefore, research on detection methods for corrosion defects in the grounding electrodes of high-voltage transmission towers is necessary. However, since the grounding electrode devices of high-voltage transmission towers are typically buried underground, direct observation of the overall state of corrosion damage is not feasible. Excavation-based detection methods are labor-intensive and have low efficiency. Consequently, non-excavation-based fault diagnosis methods for grounding electrodes are essential. Ultrasonic-guided wave testing is a non-destructive method employing single-ended excitation and reception for long-distance detection and diagnosis, which is suitable for detecting corrosion defects in metal specimens like grounding electrodes that are buried underground. This method enables quick detection and localization of defects over a considerable distance. It eliminates the need for complete excavation of the grounding device, is almost immune to external electromagnetic signal interference, and can accurately identify and even quantify corrosion defects in the grounding electrode. However, electromagnetic ultrasonic-guided waves at a single frequency have limitations in detecting corrosion defects in grounding electrodes. Low-frequency guided waves propagate over long distances with minimal attenuation but lack sensitivity in detecting microdefects. On the other hand, high-frequency guided waves exhibit high sensitivity to microdefects but suffer from significant attenuation and weak echo signals during long-distance detection. Based on variable-spacing permanent magnet arrays, this paper proposes a mixed-frequency SH-guided wave testing method for detecting corrosion defects in high-voltage transmission tower grounding electrodes. An electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave transducer (EMAT) structure is designed with a variable-spacing permanent magnet array. The mixed-frequency SH-guided wave transducer includes three groups of periodic permanent magnet arrays with different spacings. A runway-shaped coil is positioned beneath, creating low-frequency, mid-frequency, and high-frequency guided wave excitation zones sequentially concerning the tested grounding electrode specimen. This setup enables the simultaneous excitation of low-frequency, mid-frequency, and high-frequency SH-guided waves. The mixed-frequency guided wave echoes from the corrosion defect in the grounding electrode are further processed to adaptively identify defects at different distances and sizes. This method and the traditional single-frequency SH-guided wave testing approach are compared, demonstrating superior detection sensitivity and improved performance in detecting long-distance and microdefects. Overall, the mixed-frequency SH-guided wave testing method presents a promising solution for enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of corrosion defect detection in high-voltage transmission tower grounding electrodes.
Received: 04 December 2023
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