Experimental Exploration of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Treatment of Transformer Waste Insulating Oil |
Zhang Guozhi1,2, Wang Wenxiang1, Zhang Lei3, Shao Tao4, Zhang Xiaoxing1,5 |
1. Hubei Engineering Research Center for Safety Monitoring of New Energy and Power Grid Equipment Hubei University of Technology Wuhan 430068 China; 2. Hubei Xingsheng Electrical Equipment Research Institute Co. Ltd Xiangyang 441100 China; 3. Electric Power Research Institute, Guangxi Power Grid Co. Ltd Nanning 530023 China; 4. Institute of Electrical Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 5. Xiangyang Industrial Institute of Hubei University of Technology Xiangyang 441100 |
Abstract The rapid development of the power industry has brought convenient electric energy to the society on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has also caused the waste of transformer insulating oil. Transformer waste insulating oil is toxic, it not only poses a serious threat to the natural ecological environment, but also endangers human health, the current way of processing waste insulating oil is mainly refining and recycling, but the treatment effect is limited. Based on this, this paper exploratory use of plasma technology to treat waste insulating oil, this paper tries to use dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma technology to treat transformer waste insulating oil, this experiment explores the different effects of using different gases (argon, air) and DBD reactor (coaxial, plate) to degrade waste insulating oil. The experimental results show that the waste insulating oil undergoes complex reactions when it is treated with DBD, including bond breaking dehydrogenation, condensation polymerization, oxidative decomposition and other reactions, resulting in mass loss and various gases, including H2, CO, CO2 and low hydrocarbon gases, among which H2 content is the largest. In the argon background gas, the H2 component in the gas product accounts for more than 50%, and in the air background gas, due to the presence of oxygen in the air, the CO2 content in the gas product increases, and the proportion of H2 and CO2 in the gas product is basically the same, both close to 50%. Experiments show that the treatment effect of waste insulating oil is different under different conditions, and the coaxial DBD reaction of argon as the background gas is the most sufficient, while the plate DBD of argon as the background gas is equivalent to the coaxial DBD of air as the background gas. Infrared spectroscopy was used to test the waste insulating oil before and after the reaction, and the results showed that the methyl and methylene content of the waste insulating oil after DBD plasma treatment decreased, the alkane chain length of the insulating oil molecules became shorter, and other oxidized impurities were generated. In addition, the thermogravimetric characteristics of the waste insulating oil after DBD plasma treatment changed significantly, and the boiling point of the waste insulating oil before the reaction was mainly concentrated in 150~300 ℃, while half of the components of the waste insulating oil after the reaction had a boiling point lower than 150 ℃, and a small part of the waste insulating oil after the reaction had a boiling point of more than 300 ℃, indicating that the bonded dehydrogenation reaction and polymerization recombination reaction occurred after plasma treatment, and the waste insulating oil was transformed into a small number of alkane molecules with longer carbon chains and a large number of shorter alkane molecules. The research results of this paper provide a new solution for the treatment of transformer waste insulating oil.
Received: 17 November 2023
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