Insulator Defect Detection Based on Lightweight Improved RT-DETR Edge Deployment Algorithm |
Jiang Xiangju1, Wang Ruitong1, Ma Yanhong2,3 |
1. School of Automation and Electrical Engineering Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou 730070 China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering Lanzhou Jiaotong University Lanzhou 730070 China; 3. Gansu Province Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute Lanzhou 730050 China |
Abstract With the continuous advancement of the new generation power system construction and the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, it has become an inevitable development trend to use intelligent methods to inspect the insulator condition of transmission lines. "Cloud-edge-end collaborative architecture" has the characteristics of cloud service center and edge computing equipment, and is suitable for insulator condition inspection, which can improve the inspection efficiency of insulators and avoid the risk of manual inspection. However, the computing power of edge devices in "cloud-edge-end collaborative architecture" is relatively poor. In order to facilitate its algorithm deployment, a lightweight rel-time detection transformer (RT-DETR) target detection algorithm is proposed to meet the requirements of edge devices for deploying lightweight algorithms, and at the same time, to ensure that the algorithm performance can meet the accuracy requirements of transmission line insulator condition inspection tasks. Firstly, RT-DETR is used as the baseline algorithm to reduce the difficulty of optimization and improve the robustness. Then, in order to reduce the parameters and calculation of the algorithm, the lightweight efficient model (EMO) is selected as the feature extraction backbone of the algorithm, and the long-distance feature interaction of insulator targets and the local feature interaction of defective small targets are fully learned. At the same time, a lightweight and efficient hybrid encoder is designed based on the lightweight attention-based intra-scale feature interaction module and lightweight cross-scale feature fusion module, which further lightens the algorithm. Finally, because the lightweight improvement will lead to a certain degree of algorithm performance degradation, the location information supplementary branch is introduced into the lightweight and efficient hybrid encoder to alleviate the problem of the loss of positioning information of defective small targets in deep features. Because the structure is lightweight, it will only bring a slight increase in the amount of algorithm parameters and calculation. DIoU loss function is used to measure the distance between the prediction frame and the real frame, which makes the regression process of the bounding box more stable. Combined with transfer learning skills, the loss of the algorithm decreases faster and the convergence is better. When constructing the insulator dataset, the pictures in it are processed to simulate rain, snow and fog weather. Using this dataset to train the algorithm can make it not be disturbed by these three kinds of weather to a certain extent, so that the algorithm can carry out the inspection of insulator condition in extreme cases. At the same time, the experimental results show that, compared with the baseline algorithm, the detection accuracy of the proposed algorithm reaches 97.2%, with a loss of only 0.7 percentage points, while the parameters and calculation amount decrease by 67.8% and 71.2% respectively, and the detection speed increases by 2.5 times, which can meet the requirements of the accuracy of the state inspection of transmission line insulators and the lightweight of edge deployment.
Received: 24 January 2024
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