Harmonic Suppression of Output Potential of Small Size Double-Row Winding Inductosyn |
Liu Chengjun, Zhang Yifei, Sun Jianfei |
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract With the continuous development of aerospace, military, industrial production and other related fields, the requirements for machining accuracy and Angle measurement in related industries are also gradually increased. However, the code disk of grating and rotary encoder belong to the position sensor of optical principle, which cannot work in the occasions with strong cosmic rays and rapid temperature changes, and the maintenance difficulty and cost are high, but the induction synchronizer through electromagnetic Induction principle transmits position signal, strong anti-interference and easy to clean and maintain, has relatively stable performance and long service life, Therefore, this kind of non-contact position sensor is widely used in high-speed and high-precision occasions such as Angle measurement and platform Angle position measurement of spacecraft. At the same time, with the miniaturization of space equipment, the research and development of small-size induction synchronizer is of great significance. However, the traditional induction synchronizer uses segmentalized stator structure, which has very strict requirements on the precision of line cutting. Thus, the further miniaturization and integration of induction synchronizer are limited. The form of double-row winding induction synchronizer is constructed to compensate the influence caused by the wire cutting deviation. The stator windings of the segmented winding synchronizer are divided into inner and outer rows and staggered by a group of pitch according to the principle of consistent specific potential. The inner and outer row conductors are directly connected through effective conductors and are approximately in the form of continuous windings. The number of effective conductor coupling becomes twice as much as that of the traditional winding, and no extra lead wire is added, and the influence of conductor deviation is suppressed. In the actual design process, the inner and outer conductors are staggered so as to inhibit the influence of the non-effective potential generated at the end on the output potential, and a 3D model is established for simulation. The output potential is decomposed by fast Fourier and compared with the traditional induction synchronizer, which effectively improves the accuracy of Angle measurement and has important significance for reducing the difficulty and cost of the induction synchronizer. By establishing the effective conductor current density model, the optimization strategy of suppressing the third and fifth harmonics is proposed, which further improves the Angle measurement accuracy of the induction synchronizer. On this basis, the 3D simulation model of the induction synchronizer is established. The correctness and feasibility of this method are verified by finite element analysis and fast Fourier decomposition of the output potential. Through the winding width design, the third and fifth harmonics of output potential can be effectively suppressed and the sinusoidal property of output potential can be guaranteed. Finally, the ultra-thin PCB prototype is used for verification. Compared with the traditional induction synchronizer with the same processing technology and size, the orthogonal error Angle of the optimized double-row winding induction synchronizer is about 30% of that of the single-row induction synchronizer. In other words, the error range of plus or minus 10 seconds can be reached under the same process, which greatly inhibits the harmonic error of the induction synchronizer and reduces the requirement of line precision.
Received: 13 January 2023
Published: 09 November 2023
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