Multi-Scene Control Method of Active Distribution Network Based on Electromagnetic Rotating Power Flow Controller |
Yan Xiangwu1, Shao Chen1, Wu Ming2, Peng Weifeng1, Jia Jiaoxin1, Zhang Chenyu3 |
1. Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Microgrid North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China; 2. State Grid Shanghai Energy Internet Research Institute Co. Shanghai 201210 China; 3. Electric Power Scientific Research Institute of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co. Nanjing 211100 China |
Abstract The high proportion of distributed power supply access and the advancement of the development of two-end power supply system bring the problems of voltage crossing limit, phase angle difference line closing loop, and tidal current regulation and control difficulties to the distribution network, etc. The solution of using electromagnetic rotary tidal current controller (RPFC) is proposed, which has the advantages of high applicability, low cost and high reliability. Firstly, the RPFC topology and working principle are analyzed, and the RPFC steady-state voltage source model is established. RPFC consists of two rotor transfer phase transformers RPST1 and RPST2, and based on the electromagnetic induction principle, the rotor angle rotation of the two RPSTs is used to synthesize a stator voltage phase volume with constant amplitude and adjustable phase angle of 360°, respectively, and the two stator voltage phase volumes are superimposed so as to inject a series voltage with adjustable amplitude and phase angle in the line The RPST is similar to a transformer at rest, with a certain ratio between the stator side voltage and the rotor side voltage, and the phase difference is related to the angle α1 and α2 between the stator and the rotor, for the multi-pole RPST, the rotor angle only needs to be moved by a small mechanical angle to change the voltage phase in the line. On this basis, the voltage crossing limit model and variable speed control strategy based on RPFC are constructed respectively, and the specific principle is to make the servo motor perform complete speed adaptive control, so that α satisfies to reduce the servo motor speed when it is close to the set value and stop exactly when it reaches the set value. The RPFC phase-angle difference line flexible loop-closing model and its control strategy based on the principle of phase synthesis are constructed. For the phase-angle difference line loop-closing problem, the voltage vector difference on both sides of the loop-closing point is compensated by RPFC, which can effectively suppress the loop current and meet the demand of non-stop loop-closing of the system. The RPFC power decoupling control model based on instantaneous reactive power theory and the corresponding speed coordination control strategy are constructed, and the speed coordination control design is carried out for two sets of servo motors, so that α1 and α2 can meet the requirement of high precision regulation by stopping the motion at the same time within the set value range. Finally, a 380 V/40 kV·A test prototype of RPFC is built and verified by various experimental conditions. The experimental results show that only changing the RPFC control strategy can achieve its effective and stable regulation under various scenarios, which verifies the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed control strategy.
Received: 09 January 2023
Published: 09 November 2023
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