Study on the Temperature Rise Characteristics of C4F7N/CO2 Mixed Gas Ultra High Voltage Bus |
Cui Zhaoxuan1, Lin Xin1, Zhong Jianying2, Yao Yongqi2, Xu Jianyuan1 |
1. School of Electric Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China; 2. Pinggao Group Co.Ltd Pingdingshan 467001 China |
Abstract With the proposal of 'carbon peak and carbon neutralization', the research and development of environmentally friendly high voltage equipment are imminent.As a potential environmental alternative gas, C4F7N/CO2 mixed gas has been initially applied to the high-voltage bus. However, there are few studies on the temperature rise characteristics of C4F7N/CO2 mixed gas as an important design index. Therefore, this paper studies the temperature rise characteristics of C4F7N/CO2 mixed gas ultra high voltage bus. In this paper, an 18 m 1 100 kV GIL single-phase standard linear unit is taken as the research object. The outer diameters of the shell and conductor are 900 mm and 200 mm respectively, and the thicknesses are 10 mm and 15 mm respectively. The numerical calculation model of flow temperature rise is constructed by coupling the electromagnetic field frequency domain model and the fluid field-temperature field steady-state model to provide bus power loss and heat exchange. The physical parameters such as density, specific heat at constant pressure, viscosity, and thermal conductivity were calculated by the P-R equation of state, theJoback group contribution method, theThodos method, and the Chung method, respectively. The physical parameter database of C4F7N/CO2 mixed gas was established with a pressure of 0.1~1.0 MPa, a temperature of 250~400 K, and a C4F7N mixing ratio of 0~20%. The flow temperature rise experiment platform was built to measure the temperature rise data of the bus. Combining theory with experiment, the influences of different factors such as load current, charging pressure, mixing ratio, and structure size on the temperature rise of the bus were compared and analyzed, and a reasonable design scheme was proposed. The research results show that: (1) The temperature distribution of the bus is obtained by the simulation model of the current temperature rise established in this paper. The calculation results are consistent with the experimental results, which verifies the accuracy of the calculation method. At this time, the temperature rise of the mixed gas high-voltagebus conductor is 52.1 K, which is about 6 K higher than SF6. (2) The heat transfer capacity of the mixed gas is not as good as that of SF6. Increasing the inflation pressure and the mixing ratio of C4F7N can effectively improve the bus flow capacity, but the flow capacity is still not as good as that of SF6. This problem should be paid attention to in the design of the C4F7N/CO2 mixed gas high-voltagebus. (3) The most important structure size that affects the temperature rise of the high-voltagebus is the outer diameter of the conductor. Under the condition that the insulation distance between the outer diameter of the conductor and the inner diameter of the shell is constant, the outer diameter of the conductor increases by 11.5%, and the flow capacity is the same as that of the original SF6 high-voltage bus. (4) The application of C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture as an environmentally friendly alternative gas has great potential in ultra high voltage bus. The research in this paper can provide a useful reference for the development and operation of environmentally friendly mixed gas ultra high voltage bus.
Received: 12 January 2022
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