Study of the Effect of Pulsed Coil Structures on Transient Electromagnetic Fields for Aircraft and Wind Turbine Blade De-Icing |
Chen Yu1, Jiang Xingliang1, Huang Tingfan1,2, Jiang Tao1, Hu Qin1 |
1. Xuefeng Mountain Energy Equipment Safety National Observation and Research Station of Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. Army Engineering University of PLA Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract Electro-impulse de-icing of atmospheric structures is a low-power consumption and fast de-icing method. Pulsed coil is a key component in the conversion of energy for electro-impulse de-icing. Of which the structural parameters need to be optimized, so as to improve the de-icing effect of the electro-impulse de-icing system and promote the development of the system's low-power consumption and lightweight. Most researches on pulsed coil at home and abroad focus on the electrodynamics, structural dynamics and de-icing effect on the target. However, the influence of different structural parameters on the transient electromagnetic fields and impulse effects of pulsed coils has been little studied. Aiming at the above problems, this paper started from the basic principle of circuit and electromagnetic field, simplified the electro-impulse de-icing system, deduced the field-circuit mathematical equation of pulsed coil, established the physical model of pulsed coil and rectangular cross section target, and determined the circuit parameters, the governing equation and boundary conditions of transient electromagnetic field. Based of which, the calculation methods of magnetic induction intensity, target eddy current, impulse force and impulse were obtained. The transient electromagnetic field of the pulsed coil is analyzed by finite element software, and the time-varying characteristics of the pulsed coil's electromagnetic parameters were obtained. In this paper, the electrical parameters and transient electromagnetic fields under different coils were calculated, which shows that the presence of the target had a great influence on the resistance and inductance of the pulsed coil. The circuit parameters and impulse effects of 40, 50 and 60 turns pulsed coils are measured by the impact pendulum test, which verifies the correctness of the model. Through comparative analysis, it is found that :(1) the number of turns has a great influence on the peak value of the pulse force. With the increase of the number of turns, the impulse effect gradually increases. However, the gradual increase in the outer diameter of the coil leads to an increase in coil impedance and a decrease in pulse frequency, making it impossible to achieve de-icing at high strain rates, in particular, the outer diameter of the coil exceeding the outer diameter of the target. (2) Excessive increase in coil height will reduce the impulse effect. With the increase of the coil height, the non-uniform distribution characteristics of the pulse current in the coil become more obvious, especially the pulse current density in the area far from the target increases, resulting in the reduction of the impulse effect. (3) With the increase of the coil turn-to-turn distance, the distribution of the pulsed coil is wider, which makes the pulse force on the target more uniform, but the peak of the pulse force density still appears in the middle region of the coil. (4) The outer turns of the coil have greater influence on electromagnetic parameters and impulse effect than the inner turns. By reasonably limiting the height of the coil cross-section and adjusting the number of turns, cross-section, turn-to-turn distance and inner and outer diameter of the coil in combination with the target material, dimensions and icing, the optimal structural parameters of the pulsed coil under fixed circuit parameters were obtained (60 turns winding, 0.8 mm×2 mm wire diameter, 1 mm turn spacing, 72 mm inner diameter and 190 mm outer diameter). Under the initial conditions of C=400 μF and U0=DC 1 200 V, the pulse force of 6.992 9 kN on the target, with a peak time of 210 μs and a pulse impulse of 2.591 6 N·s. The corresponding de-icing tests on aluminum plates were carried out using the above pulsed coil with good de-icing results.
Received: 23 May 2022
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