Decarbonization-Oriented Rail Transportation and Renewable Energy Integration Development—Configurations, Solutions, and Enabling/Empowering Technologies |
Chen Chong1, Jia Limin1,2, Zhao Tianyu3, Jin Chengri3, Wu Mingli2 |
1. China Institute of Energy and Transportation Integrated Development North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China; 3. Beijing Nego Automation Technology Co. Ltd Beijing 100044 China |
Abstract Taking the decarbonization of energy supply in rail transportation as the orientation, this paper explores a technology path and systemic scenario of the energy supply decarbonization, in which the energy demand of rail transportation is harmonized with the resource endowment of renewable energy. Thus, a green, flexible, self-contained, and sustainable energy system for rail transportation is built. This paper summarizes the existing traction power supply mode of rail transportation, existing technical problems, main research directions, and typical cases of renewable energy applications. Furthermore, 14 integration scenarios and solutions for rail transportation and renewable energy are concluded according to the coordinated evolution mode of rail transit type, power grid strength, and new energy implantation type. Four integrated modes are proposed for rail transportation and renewable energy from the two perspectives that rail transit and new energy are dominant, respectively. Rail transportation and renewable energy can be integrated, and “source-grid-load-storage” can coordinate by adjusting at any time according to the grid, land, and load. Moreover, the technical architectures for urban rail transit and electrified section of trunk railway and non-electrified section of trunk railway are constructed. Boundary conditions, components matching principles, and collaborative control design are proposed under strong, weak or no network conditions. System energy dispatching, control strategy, and energy interaction between “wind-solar-storage-network” under no-load energy storage, traction power supply, and braking feedback energy are clarified. A hierarchical vertical management and control architecture with a complete and clear logical hierarchy is built. In the end, this paper describes novel information communication, power transformation and control, new energy traction grid group control, advanced energy storage, wide area protection and self-healing, energy self-contained dispatching, and other enabling/ enabling technologies driving the integrated development of rail transportation and renewable energy. The integrated development of rail transportation and renewable energy is crucial for trans-energy structural transformation and energy security, which can achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals under decarbonization. The tight integration and collaborative innovation of these two sectors will significantly improve multi-interdisciplinary development and technology collaboration. It is important for the new scenario of human socio-economic development and the sustainable formation of a new civilization.
Received: 06 May 2022
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