Parameter Extraction and FEM Simulation of Giant Magnetostrictive Transducer Considering Losses |
Wei Yanfei1, Yang Xin1, Chen Yukai1, Yang Mingzhi1, Yao Rui2 |
1. National Engineering Research Center for Power Conversion and Control Hunan University Changsha 410082 China; 2. Hunan Aerospace Magnetoelectric Co. Ltd Changsha 410219 China |
Abstract Finite element method (FEM) is an important means for transducer design. As the core of the giant magnetostrictive transducer, giant magnetostrictive rods generate electromagnetic losses, mechanical losses and magnetic coupling losses in operation. The magnetostrictive module in the existing FEM simulation software is unable to calculate the losses of the giant magnetostrictive transducer under multi-field coupling, and what’s more, the parameters of the giant magnetostrictive material under different working conditions are unavailable, which causes huge errors in transducer design. Therefore, compared with the piezoelectric module, magnetostrictive module in FEM software is still not widely used. In this paper, by comparing the FEM governing equations of piezoelectric electromechanical coupling and magnetostrictive electromechanical coupling, the FEM simulation of giant magnetostrictive transducer is realized by using the piezoelectric module, and losses are considered by using complex quantities of material parameters. For characteristic parameters of giant magnetostrictive material, the plane wave method (PWM) is applied on the test platform of magneto-mechanical coupling characteristics for impedance modeling analysis, material parameters are extracted through the particle swarm algorithm under different pre-stress conditions, and these parameters are used in COMSOL Multiphysics for harmonic response analysis. The results obtained are in good agreement with those obtained in experiments and PWM model, which proves the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method.
Received: 15 March 2021
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