Optimized Pin-Fin Design of Power Module for Electric Vehicle Application by Response Surface |
Zhang Jiawei, Zeng Zheng, Sun Peng, Wang Liang |
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract Integrated Pin-Fin heat-sink can reduce the junction-flow thermal resistance of the power module, and boost the power density and reliability of the power control unit for electric vehicle applications. It is considered as the trending technology of advanced thermal management for the automotive power module. However, due to the complex coupling of electro-thermal-flow multi- physics, the integrated Pin-Fin heat-sink is difficult to be analytically characterized and quantitatively optimized. In this paper, with the aid of the response surface approach, the model-oriented design method is proposed for the integrated Pin-Fin heat-sink to promote the thermal feature of the automotive power module and the reliability of the power control unit. The mathematical models are established to characterize the structure and layout, and the theoretical model of the thermal-flow performance of the Pin-Fin heat-sink is also established. Besides, by the central composite design method, the response surface model of the integrated Pin-Fin is proposed. The step-by-step procedure is proposed to optimize the design of the Pin-Fin heat-sink. Accordingly, a test rig using the front-to-front converter is set up. Compared with the Pin-Fin design of the commercial automotive power module, concerning fixed electric loading and actual mission profile, comprehensive experiments of the fabricated Pin-Fin prototypes are carried out. It is found that, the proposed optimized Pin-Fin can reduce 7.62% thermal resistance and 65% mechanical damage of the power module. As a result, it can increase the lifetime of the power control unit by 1.8 times. This paper is helpful for the low thermal resistance integrated Pin-Fin heat-sink for automotive applications.
Received: 31 December 2021
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