Dynamic Estimation of Permanent Magnet Load Flux Linkage of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with High Magnetic Circuit Saturation |
Gao Jian, Li Chengxu, Huang Shoudao, Wang Yizhe, Chen Zhibo |
College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract Due to the limitation of installation space and self-weight, a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) usually requires high electrical and magnetic loads, resulting in severe magnetic circuit saturation. Under the condition of high magnetic circuit saturation, the flux linkage of the permanent magnet (PM) changes nonlinearly with the change of current. In order to accurately estimate the PM flux linkage of the motor under load conditions, this paper first describes the influence of the dq-axis currents on the PM flux linkage. Combined with the local magnetic saturation characteristics of the stator core, the proportional relationship between the air gap magnetomotive force and the core magnetomotive force is analyzed. Then, a model of PM flux linkage based on the flux linkage coefficient is proposed. After that, according to the measured phase voltage and the permeability curve of stator core material, a dynamic estimation method of PM load flux linkage considering magnetic circuit saturation is proposed. Finally, a 300kW interior PMSM test platform is established, and the effectiveness and accuracy of the estimation method are verified by finite element simulation and tests.
Received: 01 June 2022
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