Transient Stability Mechanism and Judgment for Inverter Interfaced Distributed Generators Connected with Public Grids |
Yu Moduo1, Huang Wentao1, Tai Nengling1, Ma Zhoujun2, Lin Yayang3 |
1. School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China; 2. Jiangsu Provincial Electric Power Corporation Nanjing Power Supply Department Nanjing 210019 China; 3. Jiangsu Provincial Electric Power Corporation Nantong Power Supply Department Nantong 226006 China |
Abstract The inverter interfaced distributed generator (IIDG) connected with the distributed grid is an important application of renewable energy. The stable operation of the IIDG depends on its control system and the connected grid. The transient response of the IIDG is complex, and it is prone to fluctuations or oscillations in output power and power angle when a transient evert occurs. This paper analyzes the controller and the structure of the connected grid to build the active power curves of the IIDG. The transient stability criteria are also proposed by analyzing the active power curve cluster. The influence of the network parameters and nominal power on the transient stability is also analyzed. A transient stability iteration algorithm is proposed by establishing the transient process of the IIDG, which can calculate the power angle variation. Study cases built in PSCAD/EMTDC verify the proposed mechanism, and show that the transient stability iteration algorithm is effective and feasible.
Received: 23 October 2020
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