Underwater Electric-Filed Coupled Wireless Power Transfer System with Rotary Coupler and Parameter Optimization Method |
Su Yugang1,2, Qian Linjun1, Liu Zhe1, Deng Renwei1, Sun Yue1,2 |
1. School of Automation Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China; 2. China National Center for International Research on Wireless Power Transfer Technology Chongqing 400044 China |
Abstract The present coupler of the Electric-filed Coupled Wireless Power Transfer (EC-WPT) system in the water environment mostly uses flat plate, which is not suitable for the application of wireless power supply in underwater rotating occasions. Therefore, an underwater EC-WPT system with a rotary coupler is proposed. The influence of the relative permittivity and thickness of the insulating layer on the coupling capacitance is analyzed, and the selection method of the insulating layer material and thickness is given. The coupler model is established. Taking the EC-WPT system with double-sided LC compensation network as an example, the equivalent circuit model of the system is established. Taking the system output power and transmission efficiency as the optimization objectives, and the antimisalignment as one of the constraints, a multi-constrained and multi-objective optimization method based on the NSGA-II algorithm is given. The feasibility and effectiveness of the parameter optimization method are verified by LT-Spice simulation. The prototype of the underwater rotary coupler EC-WPT system is built in the experiment, the efficiency is 87.7% when the output power is 311W, and the system has good antimisalignment. Under the same coupler and parameter optimization method, the output power of the system under water is about 2 times higher than that in air, and the antimisalignment performance under water is far better than that in air.
Received: 20 April 2020
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