Stability Analysis of Multi-Terminal DC System Based on Droop Control |
Wu Qi1,2, Deng Wei1,2, Tan Jianxin3, Sha Jitong4, Qin Xiaoliang4, Pei Wei1,2 |
1. Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 2. School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering (EECE) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China; 3. Xintian Green Energy Co. Ltd Shijiazhuang 050000 China; 4. Hebei Construction Investment New Energy Co. Ltd Shijiazhuang 050000 China |
Abstract The multi-terminal DC system is one of the important forms of the future power grid, and its stability control is an important foundation for ensuring the economic and efficient operation of the system. As the main coordinated control method of multi-terminal DC system, the control strategy of droop control and key parameters of the system are closely related to the small signal stability of the system. In order to improve the system stability, this paper built a multi-terminal DC system small signal model based on droop control, and used the dominant eigenvalue analysis method to explore the influence of different parameters such as controller parameters and DC side capacitance on the system stability, and further analyzed the corresponding sensitivity, and looks for key parameters that affect system stability. Finally, it was verified by Matlab/Simulink simulation model. The results show that the method described in this article can effectively reveal the key factors that affect the stability of the system. By reasonably adjusting its size, the system’s stable operating capacity can be effectively improved, and the system’s DC load access capacitycan be improved.
Received: 30 June 2020
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