Control Strategies of Flexible Power Supply and Distribution Scheme for Large Capacity AC Electric Arc Furnace |
Zhao Chongbin1, Jiang Qirong1, Guo Xu1, Liu Dong2 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Power System and Generation Equipment Department of Electrical Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China; 2. Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Co. Ltd Beijing 100176 China |
Abstract Reasonable power supply and distribution technology is the key to control the load energy balance of large capacity AC electric arc furnaces (EAF). The novel flexible power supply and distribution scheme with modular power electronic power units can mitigate the influence of AC EAF operation on power quality of the system significantly. By improving its multi-link control strategies, the smelting performance of AC EAF can be further improved and the frequency impact on the system can be reduced as well. Firstly, the voltage control mode (VCM) is replaced by the current control mode (CCM) of the inverter stage in the power unit to coordinate with the inherent electrode regulation, which improves the bandwidth of the control system. Then the control strategies for multiple operating conditions of the novel scheme are designed to increase the flexibility in practical application and the friendliness to the system. Furthermore, the modulation strategy of the inverter stage is improved to suppress the potential high-frequency common mode circuit. Finally, the effectiveness of various control strategies is verified by simulation based on the actual parameters, which can give full play to the advantages of software and hardware dominated by power electronics in the novel scheme.
Received: 18 September 2020
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