Computing Method for Partial Inductance of Cylindrical Busbar Conductor |
Liu Xin1, Wang Litong1, Liang Guishu1, Qi Lei2 |
1. Department of Electrical Engineering North China Electric Power UniversityBaoding 071003 China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract In the high voltage and high power converter, high voltage DC circuit breaker, etc., the large cylindrical conductor is widely used in conjunction with the press pack devices. The stray inductance of busbar brings strong electromagnetic interference during the turn on/off process of the switch device. Thus, the accurate calculation and optimization for the stray inductance are indispensable parts for the electromagnetic compatibility design of the equipment. Based on the theory of partial element equivalent circuit, a method of calculating the partial inductance for large cylindrical conductor is proposed in this paper. Different from the rectangular and triangle enmeshment methods, this method gives full consideration to the symmetry characteristics of circular cross section in cylindrical conductor and divides the conductor into round tubular elements. Besides, this method overcome the limitation for the conductor size (the length of the conductor is greater than the diameter of the cross section) in the existing calculation method based on the round tubular enmeshment and has general applicability. Finally, some examples are provided and the advantages of high accuracy and efficiency are verified.
Received: 09 July 2018
Published: 05 March 2020
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