Transient Performance Analysis and Frequency Domain Design of Switched DC-DC Converters with Right Half Plane Zero |
Huang Jinfeng1,2, Li Linhong1, Xie Feng1, Zhang Pengchao2, Liu Shulin3 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Shaanxi University of Technology Hanzhong 723001 China; 2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Industrial Automation Hanzhong 723001 China; 3. School of Electrical and Control Engineering Xi’an University of Science & Technology Xi’an 710054 China; |
Abstract When the duty cycle of switched DC-DC converter with right half-plane zero (RHPZ) changes abruptly, negative tuning will occur in the transient process. This phenomenon will lead to the deterioration of the transient performance of the system. The negative tuning duration period system is prone to form positive feedback and instability. The traditional frequency domain method cannot directly design the controller, so it is necessary to improve the performance of the system. Row control is more difficult than minimum phase system. Taking Buck-Boost converter with RHPZ as an example, this paper establishes a transient mathematical model of negative voltage, derives an expression to measure the performance of negative voltage, and gives a parameter design method to suppress negative voltage based on the relationship between the expression and the parameters of the converter. According to the characteristics of system transient performance after negative voltage regulation suppression and the characteristics of circuit topology of DC-DC converter with RHPZ switch, a control strategy combining limited duty cycle and frequency domain method is proposed. The experimental results show that the control strategy has good transient and steady-state performance.
Received: 25 June 2019
Fund:国家自然科学基金(51777167)、陕西省教育厅重点实验室计划研究项目(18JS021)和陕西理工大学人才启动项目(SLGQD1808)资助 |
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