Large Signal Stability Analysis of DC Microgrid System Considering Dynamic Characteristics of Constant Power Load and Energy Storage System |
Liu Xinbo, Gao Zhuo |
Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles in Beijing College Electrical and Control Engineering North China University of Technology Beijing 100144 China |
Abstract In DC microgrids, the loads are interfaced through power electronic converters. These loads behave as constant power loads (CPLs) with the closed control loop. When the voltage changes, these loads exhibit negative impedance characteristics and may cause instability of the system. Consequently, large signal stability analysis of DC microgrids is very necessary. This paper analyzed the large signal stability of DC microgrid, based on the negative impedance characteristics of the constant power load and the charging and discharging characteristics of the energy storage unit. Brayton-Moser’s mixed potential function is used to obtain the large signal stability criteria. According to the criterion, the influence of the DC bus voltage, the power of constant power loads and the charging and discharging power of the storage units on the system stability are all quantitatively analyzed. The criteria are very simple and easy to be used, and provide design basis for ensure the stability of DC microgrid. The experiment and simulation results indicate the system can maintain stable under large disturbance conditions.
Received: 22 June 2018
Published: 29 July 2019
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