Abstract For the optimal operation of battery energy storage array system composed of multiple battery units, a weighted discrete consensus algorithm based on model predictive control(MPC)was proposed. Firstly, the derivation process of the distributed algorithm was introduced in detail. By using this algorithm, the adaptive allocation of power between the same energy storage medium can be realized. Secondly, under the premise of not affecting the rated power of BESAS, the battery units were divided into a charging group and a discharging group. And a coordinated operation strategy of multiple battery units had been formulated to improve the operating environment of the battery units. In addition, the convergence rate of the proposed algorithm can be greatly improved by shrinking the weighted matrix. Finally, the actual wind farm data was used to verify the simulation. The results show that the proposed algorithm and control strategy have certain advantages in terms of control effect, convergence rate and extending battery life.
Received: 08 October 2018
Published: 11 December 2019
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