Power Balance Method and Characteristic AnalysisBased on Carrier Period Pulse Adjustment for Cascaded Inverter |
Chen Zhong, Sun Jianbo, Zhang Xiuqi, Xu Yaming, Wang Kewen |
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 211106 China |
Abstract For cascaded H-bridge inverter, the traditional phase disposition modulation strategy and phase shifted modulation strategy cannot simultaneously make inverter have the optimal line voltage harmonic characteristics and achieve power balance. Therefore, a power balance control method with carrier period pulse adjustment was proposed. Based on the carrier control degree of freedom, the proposed method adjusted the traditional carrier arrangement in carrier period, and then clarified the carrier distribution characteristic rule of three-cell inverter. It only needs to meet the uniform distribution of cascaded cells carriers in the second layer so that the power balance can be achieved within one output period with a smaller number of carriers. Moreover, the inverter has the same line voltage harmonic characteristics as the traditional phase disposition modulation strategy. Meanwhile, the output characteristics of cascaded cells under arbitrary modulation ratio and power factor angle were deduced in detail, which shows that the performance of proposed power balance method is not affected by modulation ratio and power factor angle. Simulation and experimental results verified the correctness of theoretical analysis and feasibility of power balance control method.
Received: 30 September 2018
Published: 28 November 2019
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