A Vector Control Method of the Single-Phase Inverter Power Supply Based on Voltage Double Closed-Loop |
Song Chonghui1, Xu Tao1, Wang Zhenhuan2, Diao Naizhe1, Chen Hongzhi1 |
1. College of Information Science & Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang 110819 China; 2. Luan Group Sima Coal Industry Co. Ltd Changzhi 046000 China |
Abstract A vector control method based on voltage double closed-loop is proposed for the single-phase inverter power supply. This method extends a single-phase circuit into a three-phase circuit. By the three-phase circuit, a voltage vector is synthesized. The voltage outer-loop is to control the voltage vector in the dq coordinate system, and the output voltage can track the target value without deviation in steady state. The voltage inner-loop is to achieve approximate decoupling and improve the dynamic response by designing a virtual circuit. Compared with the traditional double closed-loop control, the proposed voltage double closed-loop control scheme only needs to detect and control the voltage without the current. It can not only achieve true approximate decoupling to improve system performance, but also reduce the complexity of hardware system. The simulated and experimental results show that the single-phase inverter has good static and dynamic characteristics in the case of frequent load changes.
Received: 22 May 2018
Published: 02 September 2019
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