Improved Discrete Observer Model of Induction Motor at Low Sampling Frequency |
Li Jie1, Zhan Rong2, Song Wenxiang2 |
1. School of Science and Engineering Shanghai Open University Shanghai 200433 China; 2. School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation Shanghai University Shanghai 200072 China |
Abstract Aiming at the limitations of themodelof the Full-order observer using first-order Euler withfull speed range, that is, the discretizationmodel is unstable when operating at high speed, an improved discrete observer model based on different reference frame is proposed. The model is based on the rotor equation in the rotor reference frame,with the stator equation in the stationary reference frame.Considering the stator flux and rotor flux as the state variable, a discretized state matrix is used to convert the equations by designing the feedback matrix for pole placement, thus the stable observation of flux can be realized. The stability of theimproved discrete observation model can be proved by the stability theory of discrete domain. The root locus plot of the model is in the stable region to achievestability within the whole-speed range. Finally, both the simulation and experiment results demonstrate thecorrectnessandeffectivenessof theproposedmethod.
Received: 27 March 2018
Published: 13 August 2019
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