A Single Stage Isolated Soft Switching Power Factor Correction Converter |
Zhang Zhiguo1, Liu Junliang2, Guo Qiang1, Chen Yan1 |
1. Energy Internet Engineering Research Center of Chongqing City Chongqing University of Technology Chongqing 400054 China; 2. College of Automation Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications Chongqing 400065 China |
Abstract Since hard switching PFC converters have large switching losses and serious electromagnetic radiation, a novel single-stage isolated soft-switch PFC topology is presented. It has the features of both forward and flyback converters that can deliver energy during the turn-on and turn-off periods of the primary main switch. The diodes in the secondary side can be turned off with zero current switching (ZCS) conditions by forming resonant cavity on the secondary side of the transformer, and the zero voltage switching (ZVS) conditions can be achieved for the main power switch and the active-clamped one. Therefore, all the power conductors have soft-switching performance and the switching loss of the converter is low. The operation principles, characteristics and parameter design of the proposed converter are analyzed in detail. Experimental results of the established prototype are presented to verify the effectiveness and accuracy of theoretical analysis.
Received: 27 April 2017
Published: 27 July 2018
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