Novel Two-Level Inverter Based on Thyristor and IGBT |
Chen Dezhi1, Fang Liwei1, Zhao Wenliang2, Bai Baodong1 |
1. Special Electrical Machinery and High-Voltage Apparatus Key Lab of Ministry of Education Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China. 2. School of Electrical Engineering Shandong University Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract A novel structure of two-level voltage type inverter was proposed in this paper. The three-phase inverter device has three bridge arms, which each bridge is made up of 2 thyristor, 1 IGBT and 4 diodes. Thyristor completes the phase positioning of the inverter, IGBT completes different modulation modes modulation (SPWM and SVPWM, SHPWM, et al), the Diode completes the commutation phase of the bridge arm. The principle and topological structure of the novel two-level inverter has carried on the detailed analysis and design based on the thyristor and the IGBT. The results of the set up two level inverter simulation and experiment platform show that the novel inverter can realize the traditional inverter function with the characteristics of lower cost and low switching loss, more advantages in the field of matrix converter compared with the traditional two-level inverter, which validates the correctness of the proposed scheme.
Received: 20 August 2016
Published: 14 November 2017
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