Thermal Analysis and Cooling System Design of a Permanent Magnet Traction Motor Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Cell Method |
Zhu Gaojia1,Zhu Yinghao1,Zhu Jianguo2,Tong Wenming1,Han Xueyan1 |
1.National Engineering Research Center for Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Machine Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China 2.University of Technology Sydney Sydney NSW 2007 Australia |
Abstract The rare earth permanent magnet synchronous machine(PMSM)has attracted extensive research attentions in the field of track transportation because of its superior characteristics of high efficiency and high power density.Because of its totally enclosed type mechanical structure,the load carrying capability is limited by the cooling system.This paper presents a design method of the auto circulating air-air cooling system for a permanent magnet traction motor with totally enclosed structure.Through an analysis of parameter sensitivities,the structural parameters of the cooling system are determined to maintain the temperature rise,maintenance demand,and cost within the acceptable engineering design limit.Finally,the finite formulation method(FFM)is used to analyze the 3-D thermal field distribution of the machine for determining the dimensions of the final structure.The results are verified by the 3-D computational fluid dynamics(CFD)analysis.
Received: 03 March 2016
Published: 22 March 2017
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