A Novel Single Resistance Current Sampling Technique of Switched Reluctance Motor |
Zhou Cong,Liu Chuang,Wang Kai,Zhao Yannan,Guan Minjun |
College of Automation Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China |
Abstract In order to make further efforts to reduce the cost of switched reluctance electric bicycle, a novel four phase current reconstruction method based on single current sensor is proposed. The principle of four phase current reconstruction technique is studied, and the relationship between the four phase current and the sampling current in different switching situation is set up. Based on the analysis of the non commutation phase current ripple when commutate the phase, the region in which the phase current is unable to reconstruct is defined as non-observation area. A novel method using single pulse injection control strategy for solving the problem of reconstruct phase current in non-observation area is proposed. By inserting single pulse signal in the non-observation area, according to the reconstruct voltage value of dc-link, the phase current is reconstructed. Then the duty ratio of PWM is thus calculated based on the current reference to effectively achieve chopper control in non-observation area. Finally, the Matlab/Simulink digital simulation model is established and the experimental results show this method is feasible and valuable.
Received: 28 October 2015
Published: 22 March 2017
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