Integrated Battery Pulse Charging-Discharging Controller |
Piao Zhengguo1,2, Guo Yuqi1, Hu Yongjie1, Wen Chunxue1 |
1. Collaborative Innovation Center of Key Power Energy-Saving Technologies in Beijing North China University of Technology Beijing 100144 China; 2. Collaborative Innovation Center of Electric Vehicles in Beijing Beijing 100144 China |
Abstract In market, the battery pack consists of several series-connected battery cells with same characteristics. Therefore, the battery charger can only control the whole battery package, but cannot protect the inner battery cells from overcharging. It will decrease the service time of batteries. This paper proposes a charging/discharging topology that can optimally control the smallest cell in battery. The soft switch parameters are also designed and calculated. The width changing pulse charge method is modified into a simple and efficient positive-negative charging method to effectively eliminate the polarization effects of the charging process. Hence the rapid charging is achieved and the lifetime of battery is prolonged. Moreover, a convenient and practical battery equalization strategy is designed for the proposed topology and charging method. At the end, the experimental prototype is produced to verify the effectiveness of the control system and the feasibility of the overall scheme.
Received: 20 August 2016
Published: 26 May 2017
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