Advanced Pitch Control for Improving Power Production for Large Scale Wind Energy Conversion System under Constant Speed Region |
Jia Feng1, Li Zheng2, Cai Xu1 |
1.Wind Power Research Center School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China 2.College of Information Science and Engineering Donghua University Shanghai 201620 China |
Abstract The conventional optimal pitch angle below the rated wind speed is not necessarily optimal under constant speed region of the turbine.Tracking maximum power equals to tracking maximum aerodynamic torque in the constant speed region. In order to improve power production, the qualitative relationship between tangential/thrust force coefficient and pitch angle under two constant speed regions were analyzed.The results show that during the constant lowest speed region, the tangential force coefficient can be improved by reasonable pitch action with positive direction so as to improve the power production, with the thrust load decrease; During the constant highest speed region, the tangential force coefficient can be improved by reasonable pitch action with reverse direction so as to improve the power production, but would increase the thrust load; There is a corresponding optimal pitch angle for a specific wind speed in two constant speed regions, and the optimal pitch angle changes with wind speed with monotonicity. As the optimal pitch angle is difficult to quantify directly, a reasonable expression of the optimal pitch angle was deduced according to the qualitative analysis, and the method to identify the parameters in the expression was also given. Finally, the study was verified by a commercial turbine model on professional software GH Bladed, from both steady aspects and dynamic aspects. The simulation results fits the analysis quite well, so as to offer a better guide for improving power production.
Received: 18 August 2015
Published: 19 January 2017
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