Speed Sensor-less Control of Electronically Excited Synchronous Motor Based on Active-Flux |
Wu Xuanqin, Tan Guojun, He Fengyou, Li Hao |
School of Information and Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China |
Abstract A novel speed sensor-less control method of electronically excited synchronous motor, based on active-flux for wide speed range, was proposed. The active-flux vector is defined as the flux generated by the torque, and for electronically excited synchronous motor, the active-flux was on the d-axis of the rotor. Therefore, the identification of the rotor position angle and speed can be realized by the accurate observation on the active-flux's amplitude and phase. On this basis, the active-flux observation model taken into account the effect of damping current was proposed for electronically excited synchronous motor with damper winding, to improve the identification accuracy and obtain excellent dynamic torque characteristics. Meanwhile, the accurate active-flux was acquired though nonlinear flux observer, considering the saturation effect. The experimental results proved the proposed control scheme was simple and easy to implement, which has excellent control performance and fast torque response.
Received: 21 February 2014
Published: 01 April 2016
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