The Chaos Behavior of the Turbulent Cold Gas Flow in the High Voltage SF6 Circuit Breaker |
Leng Xue1, 2, Liu Xiaoming1, Han Ying1, Cao Yundong1, Wang Erzhi1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China; 2. Institute of Electric Power Shenyang Institute of Engineering Shenyang 110136 China |
Abstract The regulation of the gas flow movement with turbulence behavior in the transonic region of nozzle and the compressible flow in variable boundary gas flow path, is to improve the gas blowing efficiency, and to achieve the insulation and fast arc-quenching dielectric recovery for the SF6 circuit breaker in the breaking process. The gas movement is not simple laminar flow, but the coexistence of laminar and turbulent flow, and the continuous change vortex state also exists during the turbulent process, which result in the uncertainty of the gas flow. The research on the turbulence generation mechanism, development of the cold gas flow and the intrinsic properties of turbulence are the basis of the gas blowing regulation to the high voltage SF6 circuit breaker under large short circuit current. In this paper, 550kV single break high-voltage SF6 circuit breaker is taken as the research object. The chaotic behavior of turbulent cold gas flow is analyzed, where the finite volume method is used to simulate the turbulent gas flow, the chaos theory is used to quantitatively analyze the turbulence characteristics in the breaking process, and the C-C method and Wolf algorithm are used to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent (LEmax).
Received: 21 November 2013
Published: 03 March 2016
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