Physical Mechanism and Simulation Method of the Arc Root Jumping and Arc Length Variation of the Secondary Arcs with Long-Distance Transmission Lines |
Xing Jinyuan1, 2, Li Qingmin1, Cong Haoxi3, Li Jinsong1, Chen Qiang1, Li Qingyu4 |
1. State Key Lab of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. Sichuan Electric Power Design & Consulting Co. Ltd Chengdu 610016 China; 3. School of Electrical Engineering Shandong University Jinan 250061 China; 4. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract A physical simulation platform of the secondary arcs with long-distance transmission lines was established, and the high-speed camera recorded the motion development process of the secondary arcs. During the motion process of the secondary arc, the anode arc root had obvious jump phenomena, the arc length usually became short, the arc length increased dramatically before the arc extinguished. In order to clarify the inherent mechanism of the above phenomena, an arc chain model was adopted to simulate the secondary arcs with long-distance transmission lines. The results showed that the arc root jumping was closely related to the thermal buoyancy and electrode structure. The arc root jumping frequency significantly reduced when the electrode structure was horizontal, which would facilitate the arc extinguishing. Arc length temporarily became short because of the short circuit between the arc column, while the secondary current suddenly became bigger before the arc extinguished would increase the arc length dramatically. The wind load was in a dominant position in all forces and the dispersion of arcing time was small when the wind speed was big. The results also found that the motion of the secondary arc was more complex and the arc was more likely to go out under the condition of wire perpendicular.
Received: 01 April 2015
Published: 12 July 2016
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