Abstract In order to overcome the impacts of uncertainty and external disturbance on the control performance of the single-phase voltage source full-bridge inverters, a novel non-linear control strategy of single-phase voltage source full-bridge inverter is proposed. The continuous mathematical model of the inverter is established by using the output filter capacitor voltage and its derivative as state variables. And then the strict parameter feedback model considering parameters uncertainty and external disturbance is further developed. Subsequently, combined the backstepping method and sliding mode control, a new backstepping-sliding mode control strategy for the inverter is proposed. The proposed strategy could achieve globally asymptotic stability, and effectively overcome the dependency on the mathematical model of the backstepping method. Experimental results show that, by adopting this novel method, the output voltage has no steady state error and few harmonic contents, also the system is robust to the disturbance of dc voltage source and loads. Furthermore, this control strategy can be applied to both linear and nonlinear loads.
Hou Bo,Mu Anle,Dong Fengbin等. Backstepping Sliding Mode Control Strategy of Single-Phase Voltage Source Full-Bridge Inverter[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(20): 93-99.
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