Microscopic Dynamic Formation Mechanism and Influencing Factors of AC Vacuum Arc |
Li Jing1,Cao Yundong1,Hou Chunguang1,Bo Kai2,Yu Longbin3 |
1.Institute of Electrical Apparatus Technology and Application Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China 2.Military Apparatus Research Institute Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 China 3.The Equipment State Evaluation Center Liaoning Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Shenyang 110006 China |
Abstract In order to reveal the microcosmic dynamic vacuum arc formation mechanism and its influencing factors,the kinetic theory of the gases model are used to study the formation process of the arc between the vacuum circuit breaker contacts.The drift-diffusionequations of electron and ion,the collision equations of microscopic particles,and the Poisson equations of the electric field are involved in the model.The simplified vacuum circuit breaker model is then established,in which the distance between the contacts is 10 mm and the voltages between contacts are AC 12 kV and 400 V with power frequency separately.By the simulation,the formation processes of the vacuum arc and the sheath with power frequency,and its corresponding time-dependent microscopic parameters such as the electron density,average electron energy,and collision energy loss distribution are acquired.The effects on the formation of the vacuum arc produced by electron mobility,metal vapour pressure and initial electron density are also calculated.The simulation results indicate that the sheath formed by different particle velocities is the basis of arc formation.The energy of the electron is axially concentrated by the affection of high voltage and strong electric field.The mobility of electron and the vapor pressure of metal have a great effect on the formation process of the vacuum arc.However,the initial electron density shows ignorable influence on the vacuum arc formation process.
Received: 19 December 2014
Published: 07 December 2015
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