Studies of Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction in Wind Turbine Generators |
Gao Benfeng,Liu Jin,Li Ren,Zhao Shuqiang |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract Large-scale wind turbine generators with power electronic converters that operate near series compensated transmission lines are susceptible to un-damped sub-synchronous oscillations. This sub-synchronous oscillation is called sub-synchronous control interaction(SSCI). With the rapid development of wind power technology, SSCI emerges as a new sub-synchronous oscillation phenomenon. The first SSCI event occurred for a wind farm in America in 2009, which resulted in damage to the wind turbines. The origin of SSCI is presented and its characteristics of different types of wind turbines are summarized. Then the characteristics and parameters of the SSCI, analysis method and suppression measures of SSCI are discussed. At last, the research prospect on this field is explored.
Received: 15 January 2014
Published: 14 September 2015
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