Design and Analysis of a Novel Salient-pole Rotor Electrical Excitation Brushless DC Motor |
Liu Aimin,Zhang Jinhua,Lou Jiachuan,Bi Yujie |
School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract In order to eliminate the intrinsic defects existing in the permanent magnets of the brushless DC motor, this paper proposes a novel salient-pole rotor electrical excitation brushless DC motor (SREE-BLDCM), using an electric field coil instead of permanent magnets, achieve undisturbed cohesion between increased and weak of the magnetic, then the torque is controlled and the speed range is broadened. The machine topology and operation principle are presented and the design method are proposed. By using the 3-D finite element method, the electromagnetic performances are analyzed. The motor rotation speed and torque characteristics show that the rationality of the design, meet the demand of the machine, and has a good performance. The measures of prototype verified the results of finite element analysis and experimental proof the motor has a fast starting response, and a stable operation performance after starting. Results show that the motor can be applied to the fast response, wide speed range, large output torque occasions. It has theoretical significance and practical application value.
Received: 30 July 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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