Research on Battery Self-Balancing Control Strategy in Cascade Energy Storage System |
Ai Hongke1,Wu Junyong1,Hao Liangliang1,Feng Baoquan2,Zhang Jirui3,Zhang Jiao4 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiao Tong University Beijing 100044 China; 2. Beijing Energy Investment Ltd. Company Beijing 100022 China; 3. Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy Electrical Power Ltd. Company Beijing 100028 China; 4. Beijing Kerui Bodian Power Electronics Company Beijing 100083 China |
Abstract In terms of the imbalance problems of the state of charge of batteries in independent battery powered hybrid cascade energy storage system, this paper proposes a new control strategy, the difference charge or discharge, which based on Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM .When the state of charge of batteries is imbalanced, carry on difference charge or discharge to adjust the state of charge of batteries convergence .If balanced ,transfer to the synchronous charge or discharge by using phase shift SPWM .As a result, it improves the whole hybrid cascade storage system availability and capacity and prolongs the batteries' service life even that of the whole system . This paper derives the principle of difference charge or discharge control method and puts forward the switching condition .Its reasonable and feasibility are verified by an example of hybrid cascade energy storage system, from theoretical analyses in conjunction with model investigations established in PSCAD/EMTDC.
Received: 10 August 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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