The Distributed Energy Optimization Configuration of Micro-Grid based on Cost-benefit |
Han Lu1,Li Fengting1,Zhou Erxiong2,Xin Chaoshan3,Jia Yanzheng4 |
1. Xinjiang University Urumqi 830047 China; 2. State Grid Jizhou Power Company Jizhou 053200 China; 3. Xinjiang Electrical Power Economy and Technology Research Institute Urumqi 830011 China; 4. Xinjiang Hami Power Supply Company State Grid Electric Power Company Hami 839000 China |
Abstract This paper uses timing resistance clustering analysis to divide the scene number of natural data, then based on box plot to confirm the appropriate mathematical function to determine the 24 hour date of each scene, in order to streamline data, reduce the amount of computation, keep the objectivity of the optimization results. Based on investment and installation costs of various types of micro-power, run and maintenance costs, disassembly and pollution control costs after they be abandoned, punitive costs of discharge pollutants, fuel costs, compensatory damages of power cut and penalty costs of excess energy, build the cost mathematical model of micro-grid; according the carbon trade income of distributed energy resources, connect the grid income, environmental protection income to establish its income mathematical model; through comprehensive calculation of costs and benefits, the static cost-benefit model of island micro-grid based on the level of years is established. Put forward the energy control strategy of the grid independent operation in the case of energy excess or deficiency, uses genetic algorithm in that condition to determine the configuration of micro-grid and verify the rationality of the model and algorithm by the example.
Received: 20 September 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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