Control Technology of Hybrid Inverters for AC Drive System |
Wei Yongqing,He Huiying,Xiang Dong,Zhu Peng |
Department of Electrical Engineering, Naval University of Engineering Wuhan China 430033 |
Abstract The hybrid inverters are composed of different capability and different switching frequency inverters paralleled, which has the advantages of smart capability allocation ,low current distortion and low switching loss. Three-phase induction motor speed regulating system droved by the hybrid inverters as the research object in the project, in viewing of existing problems of the low frequency response and zero sequence current , the paper has established a mathematical model of the hybrid inverter in the synchronization, and proposed a master-slave hybrid inverter PWM frequency control strategy, combining the vector control of induction motor and inverter parallel control. Simulation and experimental results show that the control system not only reduce the motor side harmonic current, and the the system has good dynamic performances in the wide range of speed regulation.
Received: 10 September 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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